

作者:Google Design团队 | 翻译:林龙飞 审校:June





我们与公司内外的不同设计师联系,去了解他们的成功和失败,我们不怕因为问得太细太专业而显得自己太傻。2017对于很多谷歌的设计团队来说是令人激动的一年。当我们步入新年的时候,回过头来看一看对谷歌至关重要的一些项目,从发布一套新的Material Design工具,到给更多的城市带来我们的SPAN设计与技术峰会,再到重新设计了很多谷歌受欢迎的产品,还有很多很多。那么就让我们一起挖掘设计的乐趣吧!

At Google Design, we spend the majority of our year thinking about the what, why, and how of design. We connect with designers from both inside and outside of the company to learn about their triumphs and failures, and we aren’t afraid to get nerdy when diving into the nitty gritty details. 2017 was an exciting year for many design teams at Google. As we head into the new year, we’re taking a look back at some of the projects that counted most to our community, from new Material Design tools, to bringing our SPAN design and technology conference to more cities, to redesigning many popular Google products, and so much more. Dig in and enjoy!




谁发明了自拍?可能没人在乎,因为你可以把自己变成卡通形象了,或者至少可以通过应用帮你完成。  Allo 推出了可以说是迄今为止最有吸引力的表情包贴纸(相信我,他们已经有很多表情贴纸),它基于神经网络技术,结合艺术家的作品风格,将你的自拍转化为独特的表情包。只需要简单地拍一张自拍,它就会自动生成一个卡通版的你,通过一些自定义选项,帮助你进一步生成个性化表情包,少了滤镜和撅嘴自拍脸,却给人带来无尽的乐趣。

1. Super Selfie Sticker Sheet. Who invented the selfie? Who cares when you can make yourself into a cartoon…or at least have some machines do it for you. Allo launched what was arguably one of their most entertaining sticker sheets to date (and trust us, they’ve had a few) which uses a combination of neural networks and the work of artists to turn your selfie into a personalized sticker pack. Simply snap a selfie, and it’ll return an automatically generated illustrated version of you, on the fly, with customization options to help you personalize the stickers even further. The result: endless fun and very few filters or duckface to employ.




也许千禧粉会最终让位给柿子色,或许你只是在等待2018年的流行色的发布。但不论什么情况,今年Material颜色设计工具的出现,可以让你摆脱选色的困境,通过Material色板,让你可以更容易地去创造,分享颜色,并将其应用到你的项目中。其中最神奇的是,你可以使用这个工具,来测试文字和颜色组合的可达性,这意味着更多的人能够与你的作品进行交互。如果你对颜色不感兴趣,那可以试试 Material Components,一套最新的、像素级的工具,适用于安卓,iOS和网页端。这套开源工具,可以像拼积木一样,拼出类似Google Design这样的网站(通过我们的导航主菜单查看 color ripple),这样就可以更好更快地构建设计项目了。

2. Trusty Tools for Making Material. Maybe millennial pink has finally given way to faded-out persimmon, or you’re just biding time until we know what 2018’s ‘It’ shade will be. In either case, the Material Design Color Tool dropped this year to rid you of your color woes and make it easy to create, share, and apply Material palettes to your projects. And you know what’s nifty? You can also use the tool to test the accessibility of text and color combos, which means more people can interact with your work. If color leaves you cold, then turn your attention to Material Components—a set of up-to-date, pixel-perfect components made for Android, iOS, and the web. Like building blocks, these open source tools give shape to sites like Google Design (navigate our main menu to see the color ripple in action), and speed up the development process so you can build better and faster.




我们的年度设计和技术峰会总能带我们去到新的地方。今年,SPAN 在匹兹堡、纽卡斯尔-盖茨黑德和墨西哥城举办,聚焦于城市如何重新定义艺术与产业的交叉点。大会上,我们遇到了很多优秀的人才,通过他们的作品一探未来设计的雏形,例如机器人、数据可视化,其中一个作品甚至与华夫饼有关。我们同样了解了人工智能的神秘历史,接触到了相当多的当地俚语。您可以关注三大峰会的演讲,阅读会后的重述分享,在SPAN作品集中通过模块化信息深入了解峰会。

我们为SPAN Reader的粉丝准备了特别的礼物:前五十位填写表格的读者将会获得2015-2017年度SPAN峰会完整三卷集图书 (1, 2, 3) 用乔德人的话说就是:“简直棒呆了!”

3. Spectacular SPAN Events. Our annual design and technology conference always takes us somewhere new. This year, a focus on cities redefining the intersection of art and industry brought SPAN to Pittsburgh, Newcastle-Gateshead, and Mexico City. We met talented folks who are giving shape to the future of design every day, through their work with robots, data viz, and in one case, waffles. We also learned the secret history of AI and picked up quite a bit of local slang—and you can too by catching up on talks from all three events and reading all our recaps, including a deep dive on the modular event identity, in our SPAN collection.

We’ve got a special treat for fans of our SPAN Reader: we’re giving away a complete 3-volume set (1, 2, 3) to the first 50 readers who fill out this form. As the Geordies say in Newcastle-Gateshead, “It’s pure waxa.”




在第三届Material设计年度大奖中,Material设计团队对外公布了获得提名的团队,首次发现第三方团队也能够很好地应用Material设计。NPR One, Blinkist, momondo, 和 Eventbrite Organizer等获奖团队来到了SPAN峰会的匹茨堡会场接受奖项(有趣的是,今年的奖杯是由Ladies & Gentlemen工作室设计的),并且参与录制了一集我们的Design Notes播客节目,介绍了选择Material设计的原因以及它是如何应用于产品设计的。

4. Winning Material Design Apps. For their third annual Material Design Awards, the Material Design team opened nominations to the public for the first time to find the very best examples of Material Design out in the wild. Teams from the winning apps—NPR One, Blinkist, momondo, and Eventbrite Organizer—congregated at Google Design’s annual SPAN conference (see #3 above) in Pittsburgh to accept their awards (fun fact: this year’s super slick trophies were designed by Ladies & Gentlemen Studio), and to record an episode of our Design Notes podcast, explaining why and how Material Design worked for their products.





  • Google日历
  • Google地图
  • Google 新闻
    Google 新闻最近更新了界面设计,网页端也显得更为整齐。今年快节奏的新闻周期使得新闻信息来得猛烈,但是卡片设计的使用,可以让用户更快速地浏览头条,了解一个新闻故事的不同视角。还有一个专栏做了个性化更新,让用户可以根据自己的兴趣来订阅,看什么新闻,你自己说了算。
  • YouTube
  • Google Design博客网站

5. Refreshing Redesigns. Everyone loves (or hates) a redesign, but these five Google products got shiny new updates that are worth a second look. That is, if you’re not already looking at them every day.

  • Google Calendar
    Though it can’t magically do away with meetings, the new Google Calendar is designed to help you get things done. Updated with a more modern palette and a responsive layout, new features allow you to get the deets on conference rooms, add docs or spreadsheets to your calendar invites (no more excuses for skipping out on meeting prep), and coordinate between multiple team members with side-by-side scheduling views. The Verge also called the redesign “infinitely prettier,” we simply call it Material.
  • Google Maps
    A clean new color scheme and icon set supercharged the visual hierarchy of Google Maps. The refresh also helps surface the most relevant on-screen information, like gas stations if you’re driving, or train stations if you’re mapping a route in transit mode.
  • Google News
    A timely update brought new UI and an uncluttered look to Google News on desktop. Though not a balm for this year’s fast-paced news cycle, the new layout deploys the use of cards, which make it easier to scan headlines and uncover different perspectives on the same story. There’s also a dedicated column for customizing updates based on your own interests—putting you in control of the news.
  • YouTube
    This year, YouTube got a brand new logo! Designed for a multi-screen world, the mark can be pared down to a simple red icon on smaller screens. Material Design principles dominate the latest desktop version, with a fresh and intuitive interface, that includes a cinematic dark theme. The YouTube mobile app also started rolling out new gesture controls, including a double-tap to fast-forward or rewind.
  • Google Design
    We’d be remiss if we didn’t give a shout out to our own newly redesigned site, which features a new news section, a handy collections feature that caters to specific topics or product areas of interest like fonts or designing for the next billion users. We’re particularly keen on how the new site gives readers an at-a-glance sense of what designers are up to at Google.





我们的硬件在2017年智能化。第二代Google设备人工智能,变得集美貌与才华于一身,从Pixel 2’s 相机到 Pixel Buds,支持实时无线翻译40种不同的语言。Google Home的Mini与Max版本都提供了多种方式,集成语音控制助手,Mini甚至比甜甜圈还小。你可以直接用“OK Google”来控制新版的 Pixelbook。不自谦地说,我们的 Daydream View大概是市面上,你能看到最好最舒服的移动VR头戴设备了。它质地软,重量轻,有雾灰色、炭黑色、珊瑚红三种面料色。不知道你们有没有看到Google Clips 相机?作为完美像素类别的最后一项,它的AI技术可以自动记录几秒动态图像,就像GIF动图一样,不过主演可是你自己的家人和宠物。

6. Pixel-Perfect Pieces of Hardware. Our hardware got smart in 2017. Bringing together beauty and brains, second gen Google devices are now powered by artificial intelligence—from the Pixel 2’s camera to Pixel Buds, which can wirelessly translate 40 different languages in real time. Sensationnel! New Mini and Max versions of Google Home offer even more ways to conjure up the voice-controlled Assistant—and the Mini is smaller than a donut! You can use “Ok Google” on the new Pixelbook, too. We’re probably biased, but the Daydream View is the best and most comfortable mobile VR headset on the market. It’s soft, light, and comes in fog, charcoal, and coral fabrics. And have you seen the Google Clips camera yet? The last item in this pixel-perfect category, uses AI to automatically record silent motion photos that last a few seconds. Like GIFs, but starring your family or pets.





Google涂鸦最早是1998年Google联合创始人为庆祝火人节制作的,现在已经演变为一个深受喜爱的传统,每当庆祝著名人物,重要地点,历史事件的时候,都会在主页上出现相关的涂鸦。在2017年,很多广受欢迎的涂鸦都与音乐相关,包括致敬流行歌手 Selena Quintanilla,纪念嘻哈诞生44周年。我们特别受到了向艺术家Oskar Fischinger致敬的音乐可视化设备的启发。在设计领域,最受关注的涂鸦有庆祝Zaha Hadid获得普利兹克建筑奖,庆祝革命性设计师 Eiko Ishioka发明的交通信号灯小人问世,以及庆祝打孔器诞生131年。

7. Seriously Satisfying Google Doodles. What started in 1998 as a sign that Google’s cofounders were OOO at Burning Man, has transformed into a beloved daily tradition of celebrating important people, places, and events on the Google homepage. In 2017, many of the most popular Doodles centered around music, including an homage to iconic performer Selena Quintanilla and the 44th anniversary of the Birth of Hip Hop. We were particularly inspired by the musical visualization machine honoring artist Oskar Fischinger. In the realm of design, notable Doodles celebrated Pritzker Prize-winning architect Zaha Hadid, groundbreaking designer Eiko Ishioka, the invention of the Traffic Light Man, and the 131st anniversary of the Hole Puncher.





挑一个最喜欢的表情就像挑一个最喜欢的孩子一样让人难以抉择。而基于Unicode的互联网表情在过去的一年中井喷发展,使得选表情变得难上加难。谁将会成为下一匹黑马,现在还很难说,可以先看一些我们最喜欢的Android 8.0的表情更新:

  • 汉堡:理论上说,这不还是个芝士汉堡么?但无论如何,8.1更新后,多年吐槽Google不会设计汉堡的声音终于可以消失。因为现在,芝士放在了正确的位置,在牛肉上面。不过,Google餐厅的安卓汉堡是不会改变的。
  • 爆炸头:这么说吧,这个新的小家伙迅速成为了我们2017的官方吉祥物。
  • 呕吐脸:如果你的朋友在Instagram上用广告软文刷屏,如果你对别人的度假标签感到不爽,如果你真的喝到变质的牛奶,呕吐脸就很好用。
  • 啤酒杯:跟汉堡一样,啤酒和干杯表情这几年也受到了非常多的吐槽。因为啤酒泡沫在空气里并不会那么多,违反了物理现象。最近的更新终于消除了这点认知障碍,尽管有人可能会说,这样一点也不诗意了。
  • 法师:如果朋友或者同事发生了什么神奇的举动,发个法师表情就对了,这个新的老智者的形象好像会说咒语一样,在我们的日常龙与地下城的小玩笑中发挥作用。
  • 桑拿房的人:这表情的意思就是要对自己好一点,不管你是不是真的蒸桑拿,发这个表情就是要提醒自己泡泡温泉,好好放松和休息,最值得投资的是你自己。
  • 「嘘」脸:在Google Design,我们最喜欢的事,就是假装在群里背着人说话。这很好玩,因为那个人其实能看到。这不是在使坏,因为这并不是什么秘密。这时候拿出这个表情,认认真真地「嘘」,其实更像是在机智地眨眼。


8. Most Crucial New Emoji. Picking a favorite emoji is a bit like choosing a favorite child, and Unicode blessed the internets with a full bounty this past year, making the task only more daunting. Who will be our next dark horse “hole in the ground,” who will match the semantic gymnastics achieved by trusty eggplant? It may be be too early to tell, but here’s a list of some of our favorite Android 8.0 updates:

  • Hamburger: Technically speaking, is this not a cheeseburger? Regardless, the years-old debate about Google’s inability to construct a hamburger properly has been put to bed with the 8.1 update. The cheese is now in its rightful resting place, atop the meat, and Android Burger Day at the Google cafes will never be the same.
  • Exploding head: Let’s just say this new lil character quickly became our official mascot for 2017.
  • Face vomiting: Have your friends reverted to posting spon-con on Instagram? Are you having a visceral reaction to someone’s vacation hashtag? Did you literally drink spoiled milk? Face vomiting emoji has you covered.
  • Beer mug / clinking beer mugs: Like the hamburger, the “beer” and “clinking beer” Android emoji has received its fair share of shade in recent years. As it’s literally impossible to have a heady foam atop pure air, the simple physics of the old emoji were improbable. The latest update closes that gap in our perception, though one could argue that a bit of the sloshy poetry has been lost.
  • Mage: Give props to a buddy or colleague for some wizardly feat by sharing “mage”—the new, wizened-old sage emoji that will undoubtedly hocus pocus its way into our hearts and daily D&D banter.
  • Person in steamy room: It’s called #selfcare and we all need more of it. Whether your sauna ladle is literal or proverbial, “person in a steamy room” is all about taking the waters, R&R, and the most important ROI—you.
  • Shushing face: At Google Design, one of our favorite pastimes is to talk behind each other’s backs on a shared chat. It’s funny because the person can read everything we’re writing. It’s basically the opposite of catty or cruel, and it most certainly is not a secret. This little character captures that spirit with an earnest shush that reads more like a wink.





似乎是Pixel手机觉得自己还不够酷炫,于是推出了一套专属壁纸,由艺术家和设计师制作而成。真实还原纸的魅力,在Material设计中获得灵感的美术摄影师Nicholas Alan Cope 以纸为对象拍摄了一组摄影作品。通过幕后视频来了解他对折纸的热爱,也可以在Pixel手机中查看Cope的摄影作品全集—阴影中。

9. Nifty Android Wallpapers (Made of Actual Paper). As if the Pixel phone didn’t have enough bells and whistles, it launched with a set of exclusive wallpapers created by artists and designers. Staying true to the paper-inspired spirit of Material Design, fine art photographer Nicholas Alan Cope created his collection by photographing physical paper. Take a peek behind the scenes at his origami-obsessed snaps and check out Cope’s full collection, In the Shadows, on a Pixel near you.



总结出排名前十位的心得清单,可能会被认为是无意义的甚至多余的工作,但是在Google Design这一年经历了这么多神奇,精彩和超级有趣的事情后,我们实在无法拒绝内心的渴望,总结出以下十条心得:

  1. 数字土著(成长于数字时代的人)和数字移民(成年之后才学习数字系统的人)的区别就好像轻触和点击一样微妙。
  2. 你可以通过辛勤工作,清晰目标,端正「不能停,不许停」的态度,来培养一个良好的设计氛围。
  3. “加州设计”就是新的“意大利制造”。
  4. 在各单一字体的发展下,西里尔字符增加了8,640个。
  5. 设计一个VR品牌不仅仅要改变视角,而需要一个全新的设计思维。
  6. 如果你想在新兴市场设计一个应用,需要考虑所有的事情,包括当地金融系统,互相的联系以及文化规范。
  7. The  Unicode Consortium是一个非营利组织,负责协调Unicode标准(包括表情符号)的开发。
  8. Maxim of Quantity不是一个详细的备忘录,它的是对话式设计的核心规则,有助于设计聊天机器人,聊天助手或者应用的语音用户界面(VUI- voice user interface);
  9. 即使是机器学习系统也会犯错,但是可以使用“混淆矩阵”来完善你的AI;
  10. 创客们正尝试直接将人工智能应用到自己的DIY项目中,所以你也可以。我们将为前50名注册AIY的读者免费提供AIY视觉套件。快来填写注册信息—祝你好运!

10. Things We Learned. Nesting a top ten list within a year-end countdown could be considered blasphemy (or extra work), but we couldn’t resist this meta-reflection on all the weird, wonderful, and downright interesting things we learned on Google Design this year.

  1. The difference between digital natives and digital adopters is as subtle as a tap versus a click.
    You can foster good design vibes on any team through hard work, clear expectations, and a ‘Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop’ attitude.
  2. “Designed in California” is the new “Made in Italy.”
  3. 8,640 was the number of new Cyrillic characters added during the expansion of a single font.
  4. Designing a brand in VR requires more than a simple shift in perspective—it’s a whole new way of thinking.
  5. If you want to design an app for people in emerging markets, consider everything from local financial systems to connectivity and cultural norms.
  6. The Unicode Consortium is a non-profit organization that coordinates the development of the Unicode standard, including emoji.
  7. The Maxim of Quantity isn’t a detailed to-do list, it’s a core rule of conversational design that’s important to bake into your chatbot, assistant, or app’s VUI.
  8. Even machine learning systems make mistakes, but something called the “confusion matrix” can help set your AI straight.
  9. Makers are now building Artificial Intelligence directly into DIY projects. And so can you! We’re gifting
  10. AIY Vision Kits to the first 50 readers who sign up for our AIY giveaway. Hurry on over to enter your info—and good luck.








译者:林龙飞 审校:June

作者:Google Design

原文标题:《Google Design’s Best of 2017——We’re taking a moment to look back on 10 noteworthy design projects at Google》


发布日期:November 3, 2017


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2017-12-18 0:00:00



2018-11-12 0:00:00

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